Lance Wheaton vs The Fence Walker

A fence walker story involving Lance Wheaton features someone who for some reason wasn’t a fan of Lance’s. For this story, we’ll just refer to him as the “Fence Walker”. The Fence Walker was hanging on the fence (possibly using the fence to help hold him up) one particular night during the season and was really giving Lance a hard time; questioning his ability to throw the ball and hit open receivers among other things. Well Lance finally had enough of it late in the game and decided to take matters into his own hands. The Waves were firmly in control and driving with the ball on the Midway short side of the field (where the fence walkers were within the shortest distance to the field of play). Coach Branson had probably called a run but Lance checked into a quick-six pass route to the short side. The receiver ran a beautiful route, but it just so happened Lance threw the hardest tightest spiral all year, over the receiver’s head, over the cornerbacks head and into the fence near where the Fence Walker was standing. It’s rumored that the Fence Walker didn’t say much the rest of the year.