Fishing with Greg Jones – Fight Like A Man

Friday I had the opportunity to go to the Tennessee River with Philip Houser and his two kids, Julie and Adam, from south of the river. Adam and I had fished together before and Julie had wanted to go for a while. We got bait and headed to the fishing spot, the weather was great, low humidity but a little windy. I located a few fish on the graph and baited Julie’s hook. She opened the bail and let it down to the bottom and in know time she got a bite. We will work on setting the hook on another trip. We baited her hook again and down it went, this time the fish was hooked and the fight was on. Being a little concerned about losing my rod I help her hold on to the rod. That was her first white bass. She caught a few more before we had to call it a day. Adam started out slow and was concerned about being out fished by his little sister. He finally got the hang of it and caught one white bass, one stripper, and a large mouth bass.

Phillip also enjoyed the trip. He got to be first mate, bait boy, photograph, referrer, encyclopedia, and line tangle remover, which he did well. Philip also got to reminisce about when he was a boy fishing the same area with his father. A good time was had by all. This is what fishing is all about.

Saturday afternoon I had the privilege to fish with Brad Maynard of