Season Opener Interview with Coach Campbell

For us the fans, it seemed as if it took an extra-long time for opening week 2014 to get here. But it’s finally here. And as we like to do, we will start with an interview with the man in charge, Coach Joe Campbell.

SORSN: Introduce us to your coaching staff.

Coach Campbell: A good coach once said that if you are the smartest one in the room, that you are in the wrong room. These guys take turns reminding me every Sunday that I definitely don’t light up the room.

Coach (Sandusky) Minton is our Defensive Coordinator and team smart aleck. Just don’t offer him a coke or he will be hung over for days. He drank a whole case of cokes after the recent Penn State coaching change.

Coach Patterson works with our LB’s/QB’s, because here at Midway we have linebackers that happen play QB. He is definitely the calmest of us all! He is currently helping me try and perfect my cornbread!

Coach Edwards does it all. He does great work with our DB’s, WR’s, little league, lawn mower, scoreboard, and four wheeler, john boat and fishing expert. Coach Edwards is always the one screaming at the end of practice. We need to calm him down a bit and save money on clip boards!

After asking Mrs. Viar’s permission we have acquired the help of Coach Thomas Viar. He is doing great work with the RB’s and DB’s and physically fits the mold of our coaching staff.

SORSN: A coaching staff is only as good as they look. This…is unfortunate given the above list of names. Nonetheless, it’s been rumored that the staff will showcase new hats this year. Tell us about the decision making process for the new lids.

Coach Campbell: We tried baseball caps and they were too warm. We tried visors and with our lack of hair they just didn’t look right. There was only one obvious choice left and if it is good enough for Nick Saban, then it is good enough for Mdiway!!

SORSN: ?usted tiene un nuevo pateador? hablarnos de su nuevo reproductor de México.

Coach Campbell: Yes we have a kicker!!


Thank you Coach. We look forward to seeing the team under the lights of the Emerald Forest Friday night.